Thirty Six Badgers ready for the Taking. Conquer the Trail today!

1 minute read

Check that out, it’s been exactly 1 year since my last post on here. For the few that will see this particular post, I typically post on my company’s blog here:

That being said, one of my favorite topics to blog on lately has been Trailhead ( For a quick introduction, trailhead is an amazing platform for hands on experience and training with all things Salesforce.

  • Starting to study for your Administrator, Developer, Advanced Developer, Consultant certifications? See Trailhead.
  • Curious about learning hybrid or mobile development and Salesforce? See Trailhead.
  • Have been working on Lightning components, but can’t remember how to handle events in the component bundle? See Trailhead.

There are currently 36 badges available for a variety of trails, modules, and projects. I have 37 of them (Catter was available as a limited April Fools day version and no longer available). Badges themselves are addicting, but honestly it’s the knowledge within the modules and projects that keeps bringing me back.

As a personal anecdote, I was working on a project utilizing the Lightning Communities pilot, but was having a hard time grasping the new event-centric infrastructure that is Lightning components. Going back through the Lightning related modules and projects helped shed more light on the components and helped me make sense of the framework.

Of the 7 trails, 30 badges, and 6 projects I will say the following:

  • The new DF15 badge and Salesforce Basics modules are the easiest to get started with.
  • The new event monitoring badge is great.
  • Be sure to explore the “Projects” link, as it is easy to miss.
  • Some of the projects can take quite a while (as in hours) to complete, so plan accordingly.
  • I can’t wait for even moar badge(r)s!

So what are you waiting for? Drive your browser to the Trailhead ( and start earning your badges and conquering those trails.
